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Duurzaam: gemaakt van gerecycled (bedrijfs)textiel

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Gift Articles

Do you also want to join the list of organizations with their own recycled felt? And bring your company clothing or textile surplus back to life? We offer the possibility to hand in your (company) clothing and receive brand new felt products in return. 


That's great to give to your employees, customers or partnersand!

How does a felting process work?

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Why choose recycled felt?

These companies preceded you

Firstto feel, then believe?

Are you curious how your new felt feels? Request a free sample set!

The swatch set consists of all our current and limited edition felt colours. It gives a wonderful picture of the possibilities of recycled felt. We are curious what your plans are with it!



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Learn more about felted?

Would you like to know more about a felting process, the requirements and what you can expect? We list all the facts for you in ourone pager

Or take right awayContact us

We are happy to give you advice about everything related to bags, accessories, branding and felting!

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